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Technical Training

OMPC, having rich experience in production of defense stores, is imparting training to the work force of defense industries of brotherly countries by employing latest trends and advancements in engineering so as to enhance their technical as well as managerial expertise. Besides technical the training is also imparted in other related fields too. The training is imparted by highly qualified engineers having vast on the job experience.


  1. Increased Productivity
  2. Quality Improvement
  3. Opportunities of growth and self-development
  4. Increase the level of safety
  5. Being updated with technology


  • Production Processes.
  • Repair and Maintenance of Machines.
  • Supply Chain Management / Warehouse Management.
  • Quality control and Quality Assurance.
  • Ballistics.


The training curriculum is designed to educate the trainees who are working on Productions Processes or Supervising/Maintaining the Machines. This training is also useful for those who have limited or no exposure of manufacturing processes or understanding of the solutions. This training will focus on the core Technical and Functional areas of manufacturing Procedures.

This training will be a key step for Production Supervisors, Managers and Administrators who are beginning or intend to enhance their knowledge of core functional areas of Manufacturing. The Trainees will learn these concepts through lectures, process demonstrations and on job exercises. The training will be imparted as per international technical standards and procedures.

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